Monday, March 16, 2015

Monday, week four: Feeding strangers (Devotions for Lent from the Gospel of Mark)

If Jesus has healed any Gentiles, it’s only been one or two.

Lately, there was the Syrophoenician woman who begged him to heal her daughter. Jesus cured her without ever laying eyes upon her.

Before that there was the naked man from Gerasa, the one with the legion of demons. Jesus saw that man, but didn’t touch him. He sent the legion into a herd of swine, then sent the herd screaming down a hill to drown in the lake. He returned the man to his right mind simply by giving the demons permission to leave. Yet, when the man begged Jesus to let him follow him, Jesus turned him away, sending him instead to declare God’s mercy in his hometown.

Evidently, the healed Gerasene man has a convincing testimony, for a great crowd awaits Jesus in the Gentile desert. They cling to his every word for three days, more hungry for his teaching and his power than for bread.

They have  essentially been fasting, and although they are Gentiles and he is Jewish, Jesus has compassion for their diminished state. He remembered what happened the last time, when he asked the disciples to feed the crowd and they talked of nothing but money. So he puzzles aloud about how he might feed them.

The disciples have apparently forgotten what happened the last time Jesus showed compassion on a hungry crowd. “How can one feed these people with bread here in the desert?” they ask.

“How many loaves do you have? He asks his disciples. He gives thanks for their meager resources, blesses them, and begins to divide them amongst the crowd. Before he has finished, 4,000 Gentiles have had their fill and seven baskets full of broken bits of bread remain from the disciples’ original seven loaves.

Jesus disperses the satisfied crowd, and he and his disciples climb once again into the boat.

Text for the day:

Things to think about:
Everyone is worthy of the healing and teaching Jesus offers.
Jesus takes food from the mouths of his closest followers and gives it away as bread for the hungry.

Things to do:
Do some research today about your neighborhood or city. Who is hungry around you and how are they fed?

Jesus, teach me to stop questioning you.

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