Thursday, February 26, 2015

Thursday, week two: The crowds gather (Devotions for Lent from the Gospel of Mark)

As soon as the sun sets and the Sabbath rest ends, everyone gathers at the door of the house. Clearly, the men from the synagogue have been talking and that talk has been compelling.

The men were first-hand witnesses of Jesus’ mastery of the holy scriptures. With their own eyes, they saw a new teaching with power and authority that expelled an unclean spirit from their holy place of study. Jesus demonstrated that he is worthy of being their Rabbi.

Now, it’s one thing to demonstrate that you are worthy. It’s another when people actually grant you authority and are actually moved to action.

Jesus has so captivated the men of this small Jewish town that they move decisively.
At the first possible opportunity, they demonstrate that Jesus has authority. They flock to the place they last saw him, bringing with them everyone they know who is sick or troubled with unclean spirits. The whole town, in fact, is gathered at the door. The whole town hopes Jesus will do for them what he has done for one.

“Wholeness” is a big deal to Mark. He’s not interested in those who follow half-way or half-heartedly. Mark is interested in the Kingdom of God, a new empire ripping apart old schemes (remember the schism from Jesus’ baptism?) in ways that cause decisive moves to wholeness, and in ways that cause the whole community to move decisively. He heals them all. He moves throughout the whole region, doing the same in every town around Galilee.

In Mark’s gospel, people will move decisively, some toward Jesus, and some against him. There is no wishy-washiness here, only decisiveness in one direction or another. It all leads to complete healing or complete breakdowns. Either way, the Kingdom of God is near, and the call to repentance stands.

Text for the day:

Things to think about:
Jesus casts out one unclean spirit and the whole community moves decisively. What causes a community to move decisively today? Are those things worthy of the kind of movement they garner?

Things to do:
Talk with someone today about brokenness, wholeness, and decisiveness. Notice how your conversation binds you to each other.

Jesus help us move together toward wholeness.

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